Why (And How) To Get Your Daily Fiber Fix

Want to feel sexy, alive, and strong? Prioritize plant fiber.

Why (And How) To Get Your Daily Fiber Fix, Sakara Life, Fruit, Produce, Fresh, fresh organic fruit

Ever gone to town deep-cleaning the pulp from a kale and celery juicing sesh?

By Hannah Shanken

Sep 26, 2020

Then you've gotten to know cellulose—a.k.a., plant fiber. This stringy pulp is what remains (and can't easily be broken down) once digestive enzymes do their thing. And though it can't be digested, the journey fiber makes through your body is essential.

Why Prioritize Fiber?

Fiber is perhaps the single most important compound in your diet, and—unless you eat Sakara 5 days a week, 365 days a year—you’re likely not getting enough. (A stunning 95% of Americans lack proper fibrous fuel. Our paleolithic ancestors once consumed upwards of 100g of fiber everyday, from a rainbow of different sources.)

In its fullest expression of vitality, a body relies on getting enough diverse plant fiber, which is why Sakara meals pack an average of 39g of fiber in a single day, nearly quadrupling the nation’s average. The abundance aids in disease prevention and supports critical functions as varied as digestion, fertility, skin clarity, reducing PMS, and weight maintenance. It keeps your libido fired up and your elimination pathways free and clear.

How Fiber Fuels You:
Fiber activates a healthy immune system.

Fiber isn’t just responsible for supporting a healthy microbiome; it’s at the crux of creating it. As a refresher, the microbiome is made of 39 trillion (yes trillion) microbes, composed of symbiotic organisms like archaea and bacteria, as well as pathogens, viruses, and fungi. The “good” bacteria that supports everything from your energy to mood and memory to calorie absorption must eat prebiotic fiber found in plants. It processes it all in the colon and metabolizes it. Then, Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs) are released. This step is key. SFCAs reverse and heal intestinal wall issues, reduce inflammatory microbes and parasites, and cross the blood-brain barrier which protects the brain from circulating pathogens. SFCAs block and mitigate harmful bacteria from proliferating and hindering body systems, ensuring that intestinal T cells, or immune cells, rest in homeostasis. Since fiber produces these all-important SFCAs, it remains a top nutritive tool to balance immunity. Not only does fiber give internal systems the power to work more smoothly, Sakara founder and co-CEO, Whitney Tingle, credits fiber as the answer to fixing her decades-long battle with cystic acne, wiping out parasites and harmful pathogens which inhibit clear, glowing skin.

Fiber fuels energy and metabolism.

The beauty of choosing a diverse range of organic plants in their whole-food form, is that you secure the glucose necessary for cognitive function as well as the soluble fiber that will regulate your blood sugar. The modern food industry’s ultra processing” practices change food's carbohydrate molecules, stripping it of its nutritional value and, you guessed it, fiber.

In turn, this dials down your net carb count and cracks the code for weight maintenance. The fiber also slows down the digestion process, gastric emptying, and what is known as postprandial blood glucose response; this slowdown actually improves glucose metabolism, leaving you satiated longer and avoiding “empty” snacking altogether.

Fiber supports hormonal health.

Insoluble fibers act as tiny scrub brushes that cleanse the GI tract, liver, and colon; ridding the body of unnecessary toxins, metabolic waste, chemicals, and excess estrogen. Most hormonal conditions are linked to poor estrogen metabolism, where it stays too long in the bloodstream without proper excavation. Fiber is a critical ally in this, as it clears the pathway in the elimination deluge and prevents or alleviates hormonal imbalances like fibroids, PMS, PCOS, or endometriosis. Fiber also nurtures insulin sensitivity, another hormone that years of processed foods, stress, and external toxins can prey upon. Several studies reveal a high-fiber diet helps to reduce signs of insulin resistance, which are linked to thyroid issues, chronic disease, and unwanted weight gain. (Not to mention, these tiny scrub brushes are responsible for the smooth bowel movements that indicate high health.)

3 Signs You're Not Getting Enough:
  • Out-of-control bloat, even between meals.
  • Inconsistent (or MIA...) poops.
  • You just feel like... sh!t. Gassy, sluggish, and all “backed up.”
  • Skin inflammation and congestion.
  • Stubborn weight gain, not linked to diet or lifestyle shifts.
How To Get More Fiber?

You may be inclined to stock the pantry with fiber crackers, fortified fiber supplements, or soluble laxative powders, marketed to up your fiber count in a pinch. But these actually strip the body of important minerals, dehydrating your detox pathways and ultimately tax your body rather than flood it fiber aimed at creating homeostasis. Here's how to actually do it.

  • Take Sakara Fiber Super Powder. We reimagined fiber in a fresh new way—featuring 10 whole-food fruit and vegetable fibers (versus the typical single fiber source) plus 10 diverse digestive enzymes. Just one daily scoop (blended into water or your favorite smoothie) packs 6g of clean, essential fiber.
  • Stack the plants on your plate. While fiber is a key player to thriving health, it’s just as important to receive fiber in as many ways as possible. Your body’s brightest potential happens when you avoid having the same breakfast, lunch, and dinner every single day—and it’s why a single day of Sakara’s signature program introduces you to over 70 plant ingredients. Aim to add 3-5 colors on your plate at each meal, which is a strong indicator that you’re gaining a wider breadth of fibrous options, from fibrous fruits like apples, pears, and figs, to prepped or fresh snacks incorporating cassava and chicory.

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